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The Yan Taro Project follows in the legacy of Nana Asma'u.

Nana Asma'u was a renowned 19th-century scholar, poet, and teacher who lived in what is now modern-day Nigeria. She was born into a family of scholars and was educated in Islamic studies, Arabic, and traditional Hausa poetry and literature.

Asma'u was known for her exceptional knowledge and teaching abilities, and she played a significant role in the spread of Islam and education among women in the Sokoto Caliphate. She established a network of women teachers called jajis who traveled throughout the region, educating other women and girls in Islamic studies, reading, writing, and poetry.

Asma'u's legacy is primarily characterized by her contributions to education, literature, and the empowerment of women in West Africa. Her poetry and writing were influential in preserving and promoting the Hausa language and culture, and her advocacy for women's education helped pave the way for future generations of women scholars and leaders.

Today, Nana Asma'u is remembered as an important figure in West African history, and her work continues to inspire scholars and activists who seek to promote education and gender equality in the region.

In her legacy, we focus on supporting women and children in their journeys toward peace and prosperity for themselves and their families through education, wellness and social enterprise. 

Our Mission


Our mission is to build self sustaining communities that thrive by education,economic development, environmental progress and elevation of sacred values.


1. Education

Yan Taro Project will establish school(s) that teach academics and Islamic Sciences .

Education is a key area of development in The Gambia. We will work to improve the quality of education and access to education for children, particularly girls.


2. Aid  & Development

Water and sanitation: Many people in The Gambia lack access to clean water and basic sanitation facilities. We work to provide communities with access to safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, and hygiene education. Our projects include major works like creating boreholes for remote communities, TAPS projects to bring clean water directly to the homes of people, and other water projects.


3. Social Enterprise

The Gambia is one of the poorest countries in the world, and we work to promote economic development through job creation and small business support by teaching the skills of entrepreneurship, with the goal to eradicate poverty.


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